Hope everything will stay as it does..
Just stop the time for me .. ?
Was it me that didn't use the time properly ? Didn't I enjoy the good time with them ? Maybe I did enjoy it a lot, that makes time also goes by soooo fast. Few days left, and i have to leave everything behind. Memories. Togetherness. Laughter. Sadness. Jokes. All the good and bad we had gone through together.. Please tell me, what else can I do to make it worth ? I really, really don't wanna feel this ! I cried. Tears have just came down so fast, without asking my permission to pass. First night of a realization of what is going to happen for the next few days, I was crying to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, tears came and visited me again. I just couldn't be alone to prevent me to think of the sadness.. I should have something to do then. But still, it didn't help at all.. I keep thinking for this few days.. What should i do in this very limited time ? I think i found the answer.
Time is still there. Make a full use of it.
If i could just have 1 wish right now.. *Please just keep everybody near. I don't want any farewell happen. I just want to spend a lil bit longer time with you. Slower down the time a bit oh God...*
Dear you,
Even though we are going to be separated soon, you have been so special in my heart. Maybe I didn't do anything important to make you remember of me. But a simple 'hi' could grow a lot of things up. All the things we have gone through will stay in me. Time is too short somehow. Or maybe it's just the timing error. We are just haven't been through anything much enough. But those times will repeat, won't it ? Anyway, Everything that we've been through means a lot. Maybe they are just some simple thing such as some chit chat-ing, some joking or poking around. However it wouldn't get out of my mind very easily..
I keep say it to myself,"You are not going to lose them !". But I just couldn't take it to my own real world. How can I repeat the crazy time with you ? How can I re-do what we did, with others ? Nobody ain't going to do it as well as you do ! =). I love you, my friend.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 | | 2 Comments
Why my heart has to feel such thing ?
Stupid coz even me myself don't know what is goin on.
The only thing i have to do is :
keep quiet
don't comment on anything
throw away the stupid dream.
Sunday, December 28, 2008 | | 0 Comments
For you.
Time goes by fast
Got my memories
And they will last

I try to keep it simple
'Cause I hate goodbyes
I try to keep it simple by
Telling myself that
I will remember you
And all of the things that we've gone through
There is so much I can say
But words get in the way
So if were not together
I will remember you
I will remember you
We're a picture
In my mind
When I want to find you
I just close my eyes
You'll never be that far from me
So don't say goodbye 'cause
You'll never be that far from me
I'm telling myself
I will remember you
And all of the things that we've gone through
There is so much I can say
The words get in the way
So were not together
I will remember you
You were there when I needed a friend
Thank you thank you
I never told you how much that meant
Gotta thank you thank you
I will remember you
And all of the things that we've gone through
There is so much I can say
The words get in the way so
I will remember you
And all of the things that we've gone through
There is so much I can say
The words get in the way
We're not together
I will remember you
We're not together
I will remember you
I will remember... you
*dedicated to u-know-who-u-are.
Hope we can meet again someday. =)
Saturday, December 27, 2008 | | 1 Comments
an unimportant post.
Saturday, December 27, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Ghosts around me...
One night, I heard a voice. A very familiar voice which formed words, which i heard very clearly. "I'll pray for u". I stood there, stared at nothing and started to drop some tears. My heart scream at me again,"Helloo !!! u should have do something bout it !". At that point, i knew that i have to work it out to get the hell out of my mind.
Hours by hours, days by days, those groups of ghosts still don't want to get rid of me ! I relied for the prayer from the owner of the voice, for sure, but also don't forget to pray myself. "Everything is going to be alright. Everybody is going to be alright. But how if it is out of my expectation ? How can i cope with that ? How can I face them later on ?". I started to mumbling myself.
I decided to face it with all the courage and energy i have. It wouldn't change anything if I just ran away, because those ghosts would still be there. Just go inside and see, what is really happening then, I said to myself. After taking a deep breath, I went inside and I saw NOTHING. It was hollow. There were nothing that scared me. Those ghosts have ran away from my life . Prayer and encourage from the voice helped me out. Thanks, I mumbled.
P.S. : Special thanks to GOD, Dad and Mom, who've been supporting me, all da time. Thanks for everyone who sincerely gave their deepest support for me. =)
Monday, December 01, 2008 | | 0 Comments
it's summer time !
I just wanna share some pics. As pics tell a thousands word, here are some random pics, taken in some random events. =)
Quite a few actually. Not much to post. Not many pics' stock recently. =p. Gonna post another posting after im not 'busy' ! =D. Cao~.
Friday, November 28, 2008 | | 0 Comments
What a short, but meaningful title.
Yea i think there is.
Some busybody people, who's hobby is gossiping people, without knowing the truth, for sure.
Do ya'll need me to elaborate it further ?
MYOB stands for Mind Your Own Business.
Still not understand the meaning ?
Uruslah urusanmu sendiri. That's in Indonesian.
Ze zi guan ni de shi. That's in mandarin.
Do u need me to elaborate it in another language so u can understand in ur weird language?
But, Sorry.
I don't speak ur language.
Maybe i can recommend you 3 things to do.
First, buy a dictionary. Maybe it helps with the meaning of MYOB.
Second, buy a tape. Just in case u can't shut ur mouth up and u need a super sticky tape to help.
Third, buy a mirror and see what's inside before u see and comment on others.
You can contact me.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 | | 0 Comments
2 paper had already taken.
And the 2 had already been ruined and screwed !
I just need a pass for them.
Need some blessing for another 2 more comin paper.
I will be blessed.
And im blessed !
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 | | 0 Comments
exams attack !
Exam is comin. What a schedule ! 11, 12, 19, 20. Jackpot ! I'm not goin to update my blog for a while. But a bunch to post and upload after exam ! *yey*. Just wait for 'em baby. =)
Sunday, November 09, 2008 | | 2 Comments
27th October 2008.
It was Ching, that wrote something sad in her pm. "I need a shoulder to cry on". As usual, i was worrying her and asked, "u okay?". Then she said she's just fine. After a few chat, we didn't continue our conversation. It's 00.13 when she finally called me. "I need u", she said. Actually i smelled something wrong already.. Hahahaha. She asked me to meet her downstairs at Side Gate. Guess what did i see ? 22 people formed a 20 for me, each of them was holding a small candle. I was really, really amazed.
20 without candles
20 with candles =)
Umm. Let's just switch the object shall we ? =) There was another group waiting for me, with a cake also ! They are my college friends. I know them pretty long already, since i came to Malaysia. All of them are just great.. They all sang another bday song for me.. Another candle-blowing, and another cake-cutting.
Kinda blur... Love them anyway ! =)
Some cake war and eggs war was happening. Laughter, happiness, fun. All of them were afraid of me like hell.. Coz i was smelly ! LOL. Oh. Thanks, fellas.
Just feel that i'm the luckiest person in the world. I have a great parent, a lot of friends around me to celebrate my birthday. Hahaha. Thanks for all of u guys that i can't mention 1 by 1. Umm. Hold on. Im thinking of write down ur names. Hahaha. Just wish me luck to track all of u who came ! =p. Really appreciate it. I won't ever forget my memorable 20th bday. You all made it so colourful !
Another pics updates coming soon. =)
Monday, October 27, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Dim sum !
Here are some pics from us. The food hunters. =)
Saturday, October 25, 2008 | | 0 Comments
What a day !
Actually, all of us were thinking of another breakfast trip the day after in a chinese restaurant called Imperial China. It serves dim sum in the morning until 1pm only. So that means we have to get up earlier than usual. LOL. Finally, only me, Ching, Sandy and Tommy decided to join. hahaha. When i reached there, it brought me back to when i were in my hometown. It's very cozy.. And the dim sum ? Oh dun ask about it. It was just delicious ! Im a big fans of dimsum. And this was satisfying .. hahahahah. Here are some pics of 'em. I will upload another pics after i get it from Sandy's cam. =)

Anyway, u should try this when u go to pavilion, KL.
On our way home, we took rapid KL.. A guy hopped into the bus and just standing as usual. Suddenly he roar to the whole bus. Oh My Me. Amitofo... That's what i keep mumbling all the time. I don't know what happened but looked like 'something' got into his body or kinda stuff... I was afraid. Now i feel afraid even to talk about it. Hahahaha.
Feel kinda happy tho, coz i got what i was intended to buy.. After i reached home, guess where did i go ? We were planning to celebrate my manager's bday, but then we went to barcelona instead. hahaha.
uuh. tired. capek. chuan. lei. kinda long story to tell.
Sunday, October 19, 2008 | | 0 Comments
thanks for worrying me so much ! =)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 | | 4 Comments
Just wanna show u the faces of the undefined.

God Bless Us...
Monday, October 13, 2008 | | 2 Comments
.tired to the max.
YAY ! i've submitted my IEF assignment today. Feeling good.. But something weird. Why i feel so happy n relieved now, where there are another 2 assignments waiting for me ? OMG. I SHOULD act like im worrying them so bad. lol. After a few days of 'struggling' for assignment (my fellas for this few days sure would know what i meant by 'struggling' LOL), then only i can update this blog. Hahaha. Where should i start ? Oh no. It reminded me of how hard to start an assignment.. lmao.
It was last Saturday, 11st October 2008. What i was planning ? Doin assignments out of condo. Some places was flashed by. Finally, our gank, which included me, Wie Ching, Tinna, Febri, Enrico, Lung2, and Liem, decided Starbucks as our territory. lol.
Arrived at about 8.30 pm, with an empty stomach. We decided to go to Zanmai to have our dinner. Guess how long we have to wait ? About 30mins? 45 mins? OMG. So bad. When we are all were about to find another place to have our meal, a guy said that our seats are ready. Fiuh. I was planning not to have my dinner, coz im goin supper with my working fellas. But i can't stand the salmon sushi and mini california maki !

Monday, October 13, 2008 | | 0 Comments
I'm just too bored.
While thinking of something to have for dinner, my dearie housemate Ching popped out with a restaurant called Noodle Station in Subang. She also suggest that we do our assignment there, coz it's a cozy place, full air con and full of food for sure. =p. She warned me for not being addicted to the food there, coz they are delicious ! I was just so0o curious bout that.
After reached there, i was just impatiently grab the menu book and looking for what to order. From the display pic in the menu, it looks like Mie Awai in Medan. I had a bowl of noodle called fried dumpling noodle whatsoever.. (i forgot). I dunno whether i was too hungry at that time, or it was just delicious ! I finish it kinda slow, just to enjoy the taste. LOL. And after my last piece of dumpling to the mouth.. I was just recalled that i haven't take the pic of it.. So i can't show u guys how it looks like ! Hahaa. But i have a pic of Enrico's beverage, called I Miss You Lemonade, and they put it in a very cute bottle.
Friday, October 10, 2008 | | 2 Comments
Fall For You.
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you i'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may of failed
But I have loved you from the start
But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cuz talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When your asleep
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find
*I'm dying to this song. Thanks for a friend who recommend me this song. =)
Friday, October 10, 2008 | | 3 Comments
first !
here is my first blog ! created on 9th October 2008, due to boredom attack and also some temptation from friends. =p since it's just a newborn blog, it's gonna be kinda empty and messy, i can say. just wait for my next update. enjoy ! =)
Thursday, October 09, 2008 | | 0 Comments
About Me

- Olyvia ♥
- Consider herself a woman while she's still a little girl inside. Always enjoying her life, be thankful of whatever she has. Here's some of the lyrics of my heart, enjoy (: